Fallas in Denia

The Fallas in Denia is one of the most important festivals of the year. The inhabitants of Denia are especially proud of their festivals. It seems that throughout the year there is a festival in the small town. There is no better place to meet the inhabitants and the culture.

Without a doubt, the most important festival is “las Fallas”. This festival that takes place in March, is celebrated throughout Valencia, in honor of San José. Throughout the year, the falleros and falleras work hard to choose the best designs for their fallas. These always look for a surprising theme, be it political, soccer, or even stories about celebrities. The artists spend the whole year creating these “ninots” so that they are ready for the day of the “plantá”, the day the falla is inaugurated.

The falleros spend hundreds of euro on their traditional outfits, and the falleras can spend up to 10.000€, specially if they are voted “Fallera Mayor” which is the Queen of the Falla. Each falla has a Fallera Mayor (most important fallera), Fallera Menor (most important fallera from the kids) and a Corte (courte). The elected falleras have a very important role in this festivity as they have to attend many acts. Throughout the week there is music and parades, the mascletá at 2pm makes us feel the smell of gunpowder every day. In the end, every year, on the 19th, and while the falleros mourn the end, after a good firecracker, the fallas burn.

Until next year when everything starts again and we can start celebrating again the Fallas in Denia…