European Union Aid

The European Union aid and its Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan of the IDEA and IVACE and their assistance Quality Rent a villa has received of EUR 2,900 (still pending receipt) for the project MOVES III (purchase of a plug-in hybrid car) from the...
Christmas in Denia

Christmas in Denia

Christmas and Kings in Denia We love Christmas the cozy time of the year. With its delicious meals, the family gatherings and the traditions. Our climate and many rituals on the Costa Blanca area make us enjoy those dates. Christmas and kings in Denia can be really be...
Cycling Costa Blanca

Cycling Costa Blanca

Cycling the perfect sport in the Marina Alta and on the Costa Blanca Many cyclists come to train and tour the mountains of La Marina Alta. These are perfect for tours of any level of difficulty. Cycling on the Costa Blanca has become very popular in recent years. The...